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The Student News Site of Shorewood High School

Shorewood Ripples

The Student News Site of Shorewood High School

Shorewood Ripples

The Student News Site of Shorewood High School

Shorewood Ripples

courtesy Shorewood School District

Muirhead resigns, Board fills vacancy

Alexis Hu and Giselle Knox September 22, 2022

After five years of serving as a member on the school board, Pablo Muirhead resigned from his position this past August.  “Over the last five years, I have had the tremendous privilege and responsibility...

District mandates Chromebook use

Jillian Beaster, Andrina Roberts, and Audrey Jenkins September 22, 2022

Introduced this school year, the Student Technology Enhancement Plan, also known as STEP, is officially in full effect. The first few weeks of the policy have been met with both praise and criticism within...

District’s former Director of IT to sue Shorewood after termination

Noe Goldhaber, Alexis Hu, and Ben Patte June 1, 2022

The district’s former Director of Technology, Mickey Chavannes, was fired by the Shorewood School Board after a pre-termination hearing on May 11, 2022. School board members voted 5-0 in favor of terminating...

First female police chief appointed

First female police chief appointed

Maya Schmaling and Giselle Knox June 1, 2022

On May 2, the Shorewood Police Department welcomed Heather Wurth, the first female police chief to serve the Village of Shorewood. After working for the Milwaukee Police Department for 28 years, Wurth...

SIS World Geography teacher wins award

Audrey Blackmore June 1, 2022

     Sarah Kopplin, World Geography teacher at Shorewood Intermediate School, was presented with the Wisconsin 2023 Teacher of the Year Award on May 5, 2022. She is one of five Wisconsin teachers...

Containers full of free menstrual products, like the one shown above, have been placed in bathrooms around SHS.

SHS provides free menstrual products after Feminist Club effort

Jillian Beaster March 16, 2022

The implementation of free menstrual products has been a popular effort within Shorewood students over past years. Feminist Club, a club which has been brought back this year, wanted to create concrete...

Instructional assistants unionize

Noe Goldhaber and Ethan McKaig March 16, 2022

Shorewood instructional assistants became the first public-sector union to form since Wisconsin’s 2011 Bill Act 10 changed how most government employees collectively bargain with their employer. The...

Students organize voter registration event

Sophie Diliberti and Sam Diliberti March 16, 2022

Shorewood students teamed up with the League of Women Voters (LWV) to organize a voter registration event on the SHS campus. The aim was to help seniors register to vote, show them how and where to vote...

Stowell development controversy continues

Stowell development controversy continues

Noe Goldhaber March 16, 2022

A controversial proposed property at the corner of Capitol Dr. and Stowell Ave. is at the final stage of village approvals: review by the Design and Review Board (DRC). Three Leaf Partners, the developer...

Omicron prompts protocol changes

Sonia Bendre, Shubh Goyal, and Ethan McKaig February 3, 2022

The Shorewood School District, like many across the country, saw a rise in Covid-19 numbers as students returned back to school after winter break. With the Omicron variant of the virus spreading rapidly...

Administration cancels finals due to Omicron surge

Sophie Diliberti February 3, 2022

For the fourth consecutive semester, SHS final exams were cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this time primarily because of the Omicron surge. In an email sent out on Friday, Jan. 7, SHS principal...

Colectivo challenges union's election win

Colectivo challenges union’s election win

Noe Goldhaber and Adam O’Connor February 2, 2022

This article is a follow-up to a previous article on the Colectivo union, which can be found here. Nearly a year after Colectivo Coffee employees filed to form a union in 2021, the union has still not...