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The Student News Site of Shorewood High School

Shorewood Ripples

The Student News Site of Shorewood High School

Shorewood Ripples

The Student News Site of Shorewood High School

Shorewood Ripples

Superintendent deems safety procedure successful

Shannon Carlson and Laura Oldfather November 21, 2019

On November 12, a Shorewood High School student was arrested after found being in possession of a hit list and ammunition. The following day, school was cancelled across the district so that police...

Student apprehended for creating “hit list,” possession of ammunition

Ella Kamm November 12, 2019

A Shorewood High School student was arrested after another student reported a "hit list" to the school administration at 10:00 am. The list was confirmed to be real and the suspected author was in possession...

Village debates holiday decorations

Ella Kamm October 16, 2019

The Shorewood Human Rights Commission has proposed a new signs, objects and communicative structures policy that would ban the display of holiday decorations, among other signs, symbols, or structures...

Mira Lee Prabhu (left) and Julia Appel (right) smile for the camera. The two seniors were recently granted the right to vote on the Human Relations Commission.

Two students in HRC granted voting rights

Abi Knox October 16, 2019

The village board recently granted the two high school student members on the Human Relations Commission (HRC), Julia Appel and Mira Lee Prabhu, seniors, voting rights.  The Human Relations Commission...

Village to prohibit vaping in public parks

Sophia Wiley October 16, 2019

On July 15, the village board passed an ordinance to ban e-cigarette usage in indoor spaces where tobacco cigarettes are prohibited.  “The broader discussion happened a while back in terms of health...

Clarke Warren enjoys a nice day outside. He was recently appointed to the school board, filling the position left vacant by Lance Weinhardt.

Clarke Warren appointed to school board

Ethan McKaig October 16, 2019

Clarke Warren, newly appointed school board member, filled Lance Weinhardt’s seat on the board after being chosen from a pool of 7 applicants. The 5 members of the school board, not including Weinhardt,...

Shorewood students participate in climate strike

Laura Oldfather October 13, 2019

On Friday, September 20, 37 SHS students, along with a few SIS students, joined millions of youth around the globe by participating in their local climate strike. “Internationally, the climate...

Triangle Park, a green-space at the five-way intersection of Woodburn St., Kenmore Pl. and Olive St. Its future is being decided by the Parks Commission.

Community debates improvements to Triangle Park

Ethan McKaig October 7, 2019

The Parks Commission is in the process of making a decision about what to do with Triangle Park, a green-space at the five-way intersection of Woodburn St., Kenmore Pl. and Olive St. At a meeting on Wednesday,...

Shorewood Feast draws village together for a meal in the street

Laura Oldfather October 1, 2019

On Saturday, September 14, from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Shorewood residents gathered in the street on Oakland Ave for the first ever Shorewood Feast, an event designed to bring the Shorewood community...

Samuel Coleman smiles for the camera. Coleman is the new Equity Director, a position created this year.

New Equity Director lays out his priorities

Ethan McKaig and Maya Lindvall September 3, 2019

The newly-created position of Equity Director for the school district has been filled by Samuel Coleman, a former school administrator from a local Catholic school system. The position was created as a...

Biology teacher moves to the middle school

Abi Knox August 30, 2019

James Beckers, former biology and AP Biology teacher at the high school, is moving to the intermediate school this year, where he will teach seventh grade science.  “I have a handful of years left...

School board works to fill vacancy

Ella Kamm August 27, 2019

ORIGINALLY WRITTEN: August 13, 2019 Lance Weinhardt, school board treasurer, resigned in late June. The board is currently in the process of appointing a new member to fill the vacancy.  “It’s...