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The Student News Site of Shorewood High School

Shorewood Ripples

The Student News Site of Shorewood High School

Shorewood Ripples

The Student News Site of Shorewood High School

Shorewood Ripples

Statements shouldn’t replace conversations

Editorial Staff April 29, 2021

On April 22, two days after Derek Chauvin was found guilty of murdering George Floyd, the Shorewood School District sent a communication to all high school teachers. It contained a letter that they were...

District sex ed curriculum needs changes

Editorial Staff April 29, 2021

We, the editors of Ripples, feel that the district’s consent education curriculum and response to the stories shared by SHS students and alumni is inadequate and insincere.  Existing issues regarding...

“Population panic” distracts from the real drivers of climate change

“Population panic” distracts from the real drivers of climate change

Noe Goldhaber and Sophie Diliberti April 28, 2021

We’ve all seen the headlines. Starving polar bears shivering on melting icebergs. Sea levels rising and flooding coastal towns and islands. Out of control tsunamis, hurricanes and wildfires destroying...

Appearance-based arguments are harmful

Appearance-based arguments are harmful

Laura Oldfather March 25, 2021

We’ve all had this experience, or at least seen it happen countless times: You’re on the internet or just having a conversation and you’re angry at someone. You see someone doing or saying something...

College Board: for students or for profit?

Noe Goldhaber and Sophie Diliberti March 24, 2021

With AP exams looming for many SHS students, complaints about the College Board are more prevalent than ever. The organization has been criticized for its poor handling of a uniquely challenging academic...

Increased internet dependence is troubling

Increased internet dependence is troubling

Ethan McKaig March 24, 2021

The pandemic has exacerbated many existing issues in the world. Among them: our generation’s dependence on screens and stimulation from technology. While individuals in the tech industry have netted...

LGBTQ+ representation matters in cartoons

Lucy Benavides November 19, 2020

Same-Sex marriage has been legalized in the United States of America since 2015. While there is still backlash against the LGBTQ+ community, we’re also seeing more and more representation. Not only movies...

Mail-in voting is the way of the future

Mail-in voting is the way of the future

Lulu Fregoso November 19, 2020

Due to COVID-19, voters this election had to consider the health risks of voting in-person. This resulted in voters turning to other methods of voting: absentee ballots and mail-in voting. Although some...

COVID is not over, re-establish safety standards

Editorial Staff October 15, 2020

The U.S. reacted slowly and poorly to the coronavirus pandemic. We had warnings from scientists and other countries being affected. We sat by and watched as China’s and Italy’s numbers climbed in February...

Taking the dive into chaotic Gen Z humor

Taking the dive into chaotic Gen Z humor

Naomi Raicu June 15, 2020

We’ve heard it before - Gen Z humor is weird. It’s unpredictable. It’s a bit depressing. But there’s a method to this madness - some ways to organize and label the different manifestations of Gen...

Why holding out hope for in-person graduation is so important

Why holding out hope for in-person graduation is so important

Ella Kamm May 10, 2020

In any normal year, the month of May is a busy time for seniors. There are recitals, pranks, awards, skip days, proms and college decisions to be made. Unfortunately, just like every other event imaginable,...

How wealth impacts academic success

How wealth impacts academic success

Noe Goldhaber January 9, 2020

In March of this year, Lori Louglin, Felicity Huffman and about 50 other families were implicated in an FBI investigation nicknamed “Operation Varsity Blues,” which is currently investigating privileged...