Girls tennis team almost doubles this year
Margaret Bugnacki, senior, hits the ball. Girls tennis has a large turnout this year.
The girls tennis team started off their season this year with an increase in players, almost doubling the number of members in comparison to last season.
“There must be around 25–30 girls altogether,” said Margaret Bugnacki, senior and team captain. “Last year I bet there were maybe like 15 or 20.”
This contrasts with last season, where they struggled to find players.
“Last year we didn’t even have enough to fill our JV team,” said Tammy Kreger, varsity coach. “This year we have more than enough.”
The team’s increase in size has been something for everyone to get used to.
“It’s been an adjustment because there are so many people, and we only have five courts,” Bugnacki said.
Despite the lack of court space, the players are happy to welcome new people.
“It’s been a ton of fun,” Bugnacki said. “Because I’m a senior, and I’m one of the team captains, I am trying hard to connect with everyone.”
With so many new players, there is a lot of room to meet different people.
“There’s a lot of free time to talk to people, and you’re not just paired up with the same people every time,” said Clare Wisotzkey, junior and new team member. “It’s good to get to know more people.”
All of the players have made the most of their time together so far.
“I’ve been cheering people on when they’re just playing some match or like hitting a ball,” Bugnacki said. “We have a bunch of jokes.”
There are also plans for the players to bond even more as the season goes on.
“We’ll be having a pasta dinner soon, and we’re planning a beach day,” Bugnacki said. “And we’ll have the spirit days and stuff.”
Though they may face some struggles with capacity, team members think that the influx of members has proven to be positive for the team.
“[This] will only strengthen the team [in] the upcoming years, for sure,” Kreger said.