The Student News Site of Shorewood High School

Natasha Davis

Copy editor

June 8, 2021

10. Showing up to layout week in full tennis outfits with Abi. The grind never stops. STATE BABY.

9. Spending wayyy too much time deciding on article names. The joys of copy editing pages!

8. Waiting outside in the rain for 20 minutes because nobody would text back in the group chat to let me into the Admin building.

7. Receiving an absurd amount of books and light up plastic necklaces during a gift exchange. Apparently I like to read.

6. Always getting a reliable stream of gossip about all of Shorewood at every editorial meeting.

5. Having a constant supply of Hershey kisses junior year. Mr. Carey–thank you for feeding my chocolate addiction.

4. Getting a text from my grandma with lots of exclamation points every time she reads one of my articles.

3. Writing my first article with Abi at the start of our freshman year on the opening of Corner Bakery. We had no idea what we were doing but we ate some good food and had a fun time coming up with adjectives to describe quinoa.

2. Getting my own food review column my senior year. Hands down the best job as a journalist. Food demands to be eaten. And reviewed.

1. The many, many, many times ordering from FreshFin. Poke hits different when you’re copy editing.

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